Hey Finessees! I'm back for day 2 of Joi's Mini Blog Challenge Party. Cause I like to partay hey hey hey!!!! Today we are challenged to discuss something controverisal. So finessees, I would like to share with you racial comments or reactions that I receive more often than not at work.
First a little background. I attended Howard University for undergraduate, and New York University College of Dentistry. Post graduation, I became faculty at NYU's dental school for approximately 5years. Currently I work in two different offices one on Park Ave (high end---think Forbes) and Tribeca (think NY urban hipster -new money). Additionally, I am on the only practicing African American in both offices.
Office mates having discussion on cars:
Dr. X: I've had all different color cars
Me: I prefer dark color cars navy or black/ always black interiors.
Dr. X: Oh like camoflauge LOL
Me: Blank stare instant mean mug on my face
Dr. X: Oh c'mon I didn't mean it like that
Me: So how exactly did you mean it? Sucks teeth and says GTFOHWTHBS
Patient discovering it's me doing their treatment.
Patient not pleased to discover
Me: Morning patient x. Any changes in your health? What's bothering you today?
Patient: Oh I'll wait to tell the dr.
Me: You're on my schedule.
Me: No
Patient: Crickets. Nooo you're the assistant
Me: Not for the past 13 years sweetie.
Patient dismissing my recommendations.
Me: Sir you have xyz disease. The standard of care is.....
Patient: Huh? No way. I want the Dr. to come in and have a look.
Me: -_- Well, we can take you to the front desk for an eval with someone else.
Patient: No I will wait to see someone today. I'm paying to see a dr not a tech.
Me: Le sigh
One day while walking down the hall with my own patient, a patient calls from the room to me:
Patient: Excuse me young lady can you be a dear and call my driver and tell him I'm ready.
Me: -_- Pardon me? I didn't hear you I was talking to MY PATIENT
Patient: Repeats herself.
Random comments patients have made (none ever related to dentistry):
You're a pretty little black girl.
Are you mixed with something? How does your hair look like that?
Your ring is nutz? Is your husband bla? Yes he stopped himself mid phrase.
You speak really well. You're not a New Yorker. What is that accent?
I could go on and on...why bother? The sad truth of the matter is that most people continue to make racial presumptions . Often my professionalism is tested. All I can say is I am thankful to know and love the LORD! LOLBVS