This past Christmas, I went to the ER for chest pains. I had gas that was mimicking signs of a heart attack. The entire ride to the ER, I thought to my self, I eat somewhat healthy, I workout
regularly, and I have a 3 year old. THIS CANNOT BE HAPPENING TO ME!!!!
After an EKG, chest x-ray, and blood work, heart attack and gall stones were ruled out. The diagnosis: GAS. Yes ladies and gentleman I went to the ER for heartburn. The average person expels gas 10 times a day. Apparently, I am not expelling enough. My husband says I hold it for souveneir LOL. The doctor, suggested I go get a physical, consider losing 5-10lbs (shocker!), eat slower, and get more active.
Everyone suffers from gas every now and then. Unfortunately, for me it's more often than not :( Going to the ER may seem extreme, but ALWAYS better to be safe than sorry. This visit has led me to closer evaluate my health, nutrition, and declining fitness levels. Please join me as I post my progression towards a less gassy, healthier and more fit me. More to come tomorrow. Pics and all (OMG am I really about to put my fat girl on display?).